To deal with the Covid-19 emergency it is essential to remain calm, to be informed of what is happening and to scrupulously respect the rules to follow. To avoid fears and alarms, let's see what you need to know about the new Coronavirus and, according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, what are the measures to be taken to protect yourself from a possible infection.
Coronavirus: what it is
The virus that is causing the current global epidemic belongs to the coronavirus family and is a new strain, therefore which has never previously been identified in humans. On 11 February 2020, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced the name of the disease caused by the new coronavirus: "COVID-19", where CO stands for corona, VI for virus, D for disease and 19 indicates the year in which it occurred.
Coronavirus: how it is transmitted
The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus that can be transmitted from person to person, usually after having had close contact with an infected person (both symptomatic and asymptomatic). Although studies are still underway to better understand its transmission modalities, to date we know that this virus is transmitted through saliva (for example coughing and sneezing), direct personal contact and hands , for example by touching with hands not still wash your mouth, nose or eyes. In rare cases, infection can also occur through faecal contamination. We currently know that the incubation period, i.e. the period of time between the infection and the development of clinical symptoms, of the new coronavirus varies between 2 and 14 days.
In general, respiratory diseases are not transmitted through food , but these must still be handled respecting good hygiene practices and avoiding contact between raw and cooked food.
Coronavirus: what are the symptoms?
Common symptoms include fever, cough and breathing difficulties, but in severe cases this virus can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.
Coronavirus: is there a treatment?
There is currently no specific treatment or vaccine for the new coronavirus, however supportive care can be very effective.
Coronavirus, what they know to date (updated June 2020)
It is an RNA virus, belongs to the family of corona viruses (we know at least 7 other types), it must necessarily make its filament penetrate the host cell in order to replicate itself.
Coming into contact with the immune system, which must present it to process it and thus create immunity, causes an acute inflammatory immune reaction.
In some subjects this inflammatory reactivity takes on the characteristic of a real storm: Citokyne Storm or cytokine storm
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To date, but it was not so at the beginning, we know from the autopsies (more than 50 conducted at the Sacco hospital in Milan and only 3 but superficial conducted in China in Wuhan) that the triggering event is an inflammation that affects the small pulmonary vessels causing a micro thrombosis which in turn evolves into pulmonary infarction creating non-perfused and unventilated areas.
It is not only the lung that is affected, but also the other organs: liver, kidney, heart, central and peripheral nervous system, vascular system as a whole (the recent finding of Kawasaky disease in children was thought to be unaffected by the virus ).
In addition, the virus allows the resurgence of infectious events for bacteria or fungi already present but which until recently were kept under control.
Pneumococcal pneumonia, pseudomonas, viral cytomegalovirus, etc. were found. etc.
Coronavirus: how to protect yourself from transmission and the rules to follow
There are several hygienic habits that can be taken to reduce the risk of exposure and protect yourself from the infection of the new coronavirus. In addition to keeping you informed of the spread of the epidemic, available on the WHO website, it adopts the following personal protection measures:
· wash your hands often with soap and water or with alcohol-based disinfectant solutions, to keep at home but also to always carry with you ;
· always remember to sneeze or cough in a tissue or with your elbow flexed;
· if you have mild flu or cooling symptoms, use a disposable mask , throw the used tissues in a closed basket immediately after use and wash your hands often;
· keep a distance of at least one meter from other people, especially when they cough or sneeze or if they have a fever, because the virus can be breathed at close range;
· avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;
· avoid eating raw or undercooked meat, always wash fruit and vegetables and avoid sharing drinks, dishes or anything else with other people;
· it is not allowed to create gatherings in closed places and crowded places must be avoided.
· stay at home as much as possible (applies to everyone all the more for elderly and immunosuppressed subjects);
· ventilate the rooms as much as possible if you are with other people;
· avoid handshakes, hugs and the promiscuous use of glasses or bottles;
· do not take antiviral drugs or antibiotics, unless they are prescribed by your doctor.
Currently it seems that the new coronavirus can only survive on surfaces for a few hours: to avoid the contagion of objects and surfaces in domestic environments, it is therefore sufficient to use simple disinfectants , such as those based on alcohol or bleach. If you spend a lot of time away from home, it can also be useful to always carry sanitizing wipes or have specific disinfectants .
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