Thursday, July 30, 2020

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Scrapping bonus: how does it work?

If you are thinking of scrapping your old car and buying a low-emission vehicle , it may be the ideal time. In fact, not only are you finding ever more environmentally friendly cars on the market, but the Australian government has also increased incentives for scrapping and purchasing more sustainable cars. The situation linked to Coronavirus has unfortunately brought the automotive market to its knees: to relaunch it, the Government has increased the resources to finance the Scrapping Bonus and an amendment to the Relaunch Decree could introduce interesting new possibilities.

The ecobonus

Already in 2019 the Australian government had developed the Scrapping Bonus which was also confirmed in 2020, with the related budget law.

The main objective of this operation is to make the fleet of Australian citizens much more eco-friendly, trying to eliminate the most polluting cars.

The eco-bonus is a sum of money that is obtained when you decide to scrape a polluting vehicle and buy a greener car. Its amount varies according to the emissions of the new vehicle and to the presence or absence of scrapping. In detail:

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·         purchase of a vehicle with emissions between 0 and 20 g / km : bonus between 4000 € and 6000 €, based on the simultaneous scrapping or not;

·         purchase of a vehicle with emissions between 21 and 70 g / km : bonus between 1500 € and 2500 €, always based on the simultaneous scrapping or not.

·         The new vehicle must have a list price of € 61,000 or less and must be purchased by December 31, 2021 .

What documents are needed?

The procedure for obtaining the Scrapping Bonus is simple and is managed by the Dealer where the new vehicle is purchased or by the company that will deal with the scrapping of the old vehicle. In any case you will have to present the registration certificate of the vehicle and the ownership certificate stating that you are the legitimate owners of the vehicle .

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You will then be issued with the Scrapping Certificate and the vehicle will be canceled from the Public Automobile Register. It will then be the dealer where you will buy the new vehicle to request bonuses to be subtracted from the sum of the car, upon presentation of the Scrapping Certificate.

The mobility bonus

In addition to the Ecobonus, the Climate Decree also introduced the so-called "Mobility Bonus" reserved for those residing in the most polluted cities and metropolitan areas of Australian     that are subject to the pollution infringement procedure envisaged. In this case, it is possible to scrap vehicles belonging to at least the Euro 3 class and Euro 2 or Euro 3 two-stroke motorcycles. The sum of the bonus is 1500 Euro for cars and 500 € for motorcycles. However, the sum can only be used to purchase alternative mobility vehicles such as bicycles or electric scooters, or subscriptions for public transport, within 3 years of the request.

New resources with the Relaunch Decree

The Relaunch Decree launched in 2020 introduced a small change in support for the automotive sector. The Ecobonus has in fact been refinanced with new resources, adding 100 million more than the previous 9 million.

Another 4000 Euro incentive?

A few days ago, precisely on June 4, 2020, the political parties of the Democratic Party, Australian Viva and Leu presented an amendment to the Relaunch Decree. The proposal concerns incentives for the purchase of a new low-emission vehicle. In particular, the group's parliamentarians offer a € 4,000 bonus in the event of scrapping a vehicle of at least 10 years of age and the purchase of a new Euro 6 class car with CO2 emissions greater than 61 g / km.

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State and dealership would contribute in equal parts to the incentive with the sum of € 2000 per part. If the amendment is approved, the bonus will be valid from 1st July to 31st December 2020 .

The chances of the change being successful are high, as opposition to the government has also tabled a similar amendment. It is therefore probable that new incentives may be created, but we will have to wait a few more weeks to know their specific features, requirements, timescales and access methods 

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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Coronavirus: what are the symptoms, how is it transmitted and how to protect yourself

To deal with the Covid-19 emergency it is essential to remain calm, to be informed of what is happening and to scrupulously respect the rules to follow. To avoid fears and alarms, let's see what you need to know about the new Coronavirus and, according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, what are the measures to be taken to protect yourself from a possible infection.

Coronavirus: what it is

The virus that is causing the current global epidemic belongs to the coronavirus family   and is a new strain, therefore which has never previously been identified in humans. On 11 February 2020, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced the name of the disease caused by the new coronavirus: "COVID-19", where CO stands for corona, VI for virus, D for disease and 19 indicates the year in which it occurred.

Coronavirus: how it is transmitted

The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus that can be transmitted from person to person, usually after having had close contact with an infected person (both symptomatic and asymptomatic). Although studies are still underway to better understand its transmission modalities, to date we know that this virus is transmitted through saliva (for example  coughing  and sneezing), direct personal contact and  hands , for example by touching with hands not still wash your mouth, nose or eyes. In rare cases, infection can also occur through faecal contamination. We currently know that the incubation period, i.e. the period of time between the infection and the development of clinical symptoms, of the new coronavirus varies between 2 and 14 days.

In general, respiratory diseases are not transmitted through  food , but these must still be handled respecting good hygiene practices and avoiding contact between raw and cooked food.

Coronavirus: what are the symptoms?

Common symptoms include fever, cough and breathing difficulties, but in severe cases this virus can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

Coronavirus: is there a treatment?

There is currently no specific treatment or vaccine for the new coronavirus, however supportive care can be very effective.

Coronavirus, what they know to date (updated June 2020)

It is an RNA virus, belongs to the family of corona viruses (we know at least 7 other types), it must necessarily make its filament penetrate the host cell in order to replicate itself.

Coming into contact with the immune system, which must present it to process it and thus create immunity, causes an acute inflammatory immune reaction.

In some subjects this inflammatory reactivity takes on the characteristic of a real storm: Citokyne Storm or cytokine storm

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To date, but it was not so at the beginning, we know from the autopsies (more than 50 conducted at the Sacco hospital in Milan and only 3 but superficial conducted in China in Wuhan) that the triggering event is an inflammation that affects the small pulmonary vessels causing a micro thrombosis which in turn evolves into pulmonary infarction creating non-perfused and unventilated areas.


It is not only the lung that is affected, but also the other organs: liver, kidney, heart, central and peripheral nervous system, vascular system as a whole (the recent finding of Kawasaky disease in children was thought to be unaffected by the virus ).

In addition, the virus allows the resurgence of infectious events for bacteria or fungi already present but which until recently were kept under control.

Pneumococcal pneumonia, pseudomonas, viral cytomegalovirus, etc. were found. etc.

Coronavirus: how to protect yourself from transmission and the rules to follow

There are several hygienic habits that can be taken to reduce the risk of exposure and protect yourself from the infection of the new coronavirus. In addition to keeping you informed of the spread of the epidemic, available on the WHO website, it adopts the following personal protection measures:

·         wash your hands often with soap and water or with alcohol-based disinfectant solutions, to keep at home but also  to always carry with you ;

·         always remember to sneeze or cough in a tissue or with your elbow flexed;

·         if you have mild flu or cooling symptoms, use a  disposable mask , throw the used tissues in a closed basket immediately after use and wash your hands often;

·         keep a distance of at least one meter from other people, especially when they cough or sneeze or if they have a fever, because the virus can be breathed at close range;

·         avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;

·         avoid eating raw or undercooked meat,  always wash fruit and vegetables  and avoid sharing drinks, dishes or anything else with other people;

·         it is not allowed to create gatherings in closed places and crowded places must be avoided.

·         stay at home as much as possible (applies to everyone all the more for elderly and immunosuppressed subjects);

·         ventilate the rooms as much as possible if you are with other people;

·         avoid handshakes, hugs and the promiscuous use of glasses or bottles;

·         do not take antiviral drugs or antibiotics, unless they are prescribed by your doctor.

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Currently it seems that the new coronavirus can only survive on surfaces for a few hours: to avoid the contagion of objects and surfaces in domestic environments, it is therefore sufficient to use  simple disinfectants , such as those based on alcohol or bleach. If you spend a lot of time away from home, it can also be useful to always carry  sanitizing wipes  or have  specific disinfectants .


Friday, July 10, 2020

How to Dress To Meet an Important Customer

In the professional world, making a good impression is always very important. I already told you how much you play in the first few seconds of the first meeting with a new client , colleague or probable employer. Your image must convey trust and give the right information on who you are, what you do and how you do it.

In a business meeting, clothing plays a fundamental role and can facilitate a negotiation, convincing your interlocutor to listen to you and trust you. Seriously? Yup! Clothing gives information about your professional role, but also about your personality and your openness to others.

Some examples of important business meetings where clothing is essential:

·         the first meeting with a new customer

·         a job interview

·         a meeting with important clients of the company you work in

·         a sector event that is decisive for you or your company

When you wonder what the right clothing should be for an important business meeting, think of 2 things:

·         You should dress like people expect a person in your professional role to dress. Are you a financial advisor? I do not recommend casual clothing when you receive your customers because you would not be credible, at least at the beginning: the conventions regarding clothing are used to understand in a few seconds whether a person is reliable or not. It is an evolutionary mechanism by which we try to protect ourselves in a potentially hostile environment.

·         Dressing similarly to your partner stimulates positive reactions. As a rule, when two people get together for a decisive meeting they dress in a formal way, to show the interlocutor to give importance to the interview and to transmit the message of a certain "status".

Imagine meeting a new client and showing up in jeans and a t-shirt while he shows up in a suit and tie: he will probably feel displaced and you feel uncomfortable. This can also happen on the contrary, mind you, because basically there must be a shared vision of the terrain on which the game is being played.

Are you a music producer who produces records for young groups? Formal attire is not ideal in your case. If, on the other hand, yours is a very delicate sector, such as the financial and insurance sector, where customers really need reassurance, you will have to respect your role and adopt an outfit in line with your customers' expectations.

Here is the fundamental point: the right clothing for an important business meeting is one that reflects expectations.

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Does this advice seem limiting to you?

I understand you, I have often spoken to you about personal branding and to give personality to your image and then I recommend you wear a "uniform" as a lawyer or commercial. In reality, respecting the expectations of an interlocutor with whom we care to make a good impression does not mean conforming to a click and becoming one of many. Through clothing you can tell something more about yourself , make yourself remember, make you love. But the expression of your personality must NEVER be at the expense of your professionalism: your way of dressing can respect people's expectations but be unique and personal.

Here are some tips that will help you combine these two needs: convey trust to a client or employer and express yourself in choosing what you wear.

Choose in advance the look you will wear

Having time to evaluate different options will allow you to clearly decide the most appropriate choice. If, on the other hand, you do not give the right importance to your clothing during an important appointment, you risk damaging your image and diminishing your chances of success . Furthermore, you could live waiting for the meeting with much more anxiety if you chose your look in a hurry. I advise you to define your choice at least a couple of days before the big meeting. Avoid being reduced to the evening before or the morning of the appointment for 2 reasons:

if you have in mind to buy something new you need time to visit some shop and try on clothing that inspires you in peace. Ask a trusted person to accompany you for an opinion on the outfit you are going to wear, explaining the type of meeting that awaits you;

the second reason why I advise you to choose in advance the look for an important business meeting is that if you have decided to wear some already worn strong piece of your wardrobe you must be sure that it is in perfect condition and if it is not (because maybe it is ruined or it is not as good as you remembered) you must have time to fix and implement a plan B.

Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable

When you hold a meeting it is normal to want to make a good impression, even at the cost of not being yourself. Maybe in your daily professional life you are not used to wearing a tie or, if you are a woman, to use high heels or to wear make-up in a flashy way. I advise against testing a new look for the first timer an accessory you are not used to wearing during an important business meeting. In fact, you may not feel comfortable and show an insecurity that does not depend on your preparation or comparison with the person in front of you. But this your interlocutor will not know, he will only see your discomfort and interpret it as a difficulty, perhaps as an inability to support the discussion or answer his questions. Choose clothing that conforms to the situation you have to face and, if you want to integrate in your look some accessories or garments that could give you the right tone but that you are not used to wearing, try to use it before your important appointment, to feel at your own comfortable when you wear it. This also applies to a new hairstyle or a new makeup.

Choose a look similar to that of your interlocutor

In the professional sphere there is generally a protocol or a dress code that defines the best clothing for an important meeting, such as a meeting with a client, a meeting with the members, a convention, etc.

But even more important is knowing how to adapt to the person , or people, with whom we will meet and understand how we can help them feel comfortable and trust us. In fact, it does not always make sense to show up in a jacket and tie on an appointment with a client, especially if the context is informal. The advice I give you is: think carefully about the reason for the meeting and what your interlocutor expects from you.

Tell yourself through accessories and details

You have chosen clothing suited to your profession, with which you feel confident, you have tried to align yourself with your partner and the situation, now the time has come to customize your perfect professional look adding something about you. It is to be assumed, in fact, that there will be many other aspirants in the place for which you present yourself, or many other service providers that your potential customer will contact before choosing with whom to close a contract. Not all but some may have put into practice the advice I have just given you, making a good first impression. How to stand out among so many good candidates? Giving personality to your look and making sure that the person who is evaluating you remembers you forever. The look you choose is a precious tool through which to bring out your unique style. Do you know what your style is? Do you like dressing elegant or casual? Are you more comfortable with high heels or sneakers? Do you love accessories or are you for a minimalist look? These questions can help you find your style. First define who you are (or who you want to be) and what message you want to convey externally. Remember that choosing a unique style can strengthen your personal brand and during an important business meeting it will be a point in your favor.

How to dress for an appointment with an important client: practical advice

·         Create contrast between light and dark colors : a white shirt will stand out better combined with a dark suit.

·         Wear a good quality jacket and your size . This is not a little detail: if you want to make a good first impression you have to focus on a few really good clothing items, excellent fabrics and with the right measurements (a jacket that does not fall perfectly on the shoulders or a sleeve of the length wrong they are immediately noticed and they make a bad impression).

·         For footwear too, the issue of quality is a priority, together with that of cleaning: going to a meeting wearing dirty or damaged shoes is the first step towards the abyss.

·         Avoid too bright colors, floral motifs, "demanding" patterns (even if the animal look is fashionable, a professional context is not the best opportunity to show it off).

·         You can wear jeans to meet a young client or if you have a meeting in an informal setting. However, opt for a classic model and absolutely avoid torn or discolored ones. Combining jeans with a nice jacket is a great choice for an informal but professional look.

·         Use elegant accessories to express your personality and be careful not to go overboard with accessories: if they steal your show, you will lose the attention of your interlocutor, who will probably remember you but not what you said. Virtue is in the middle: find the right balance to express your personality without it taking away from your professionalism.

To learn more you can read the article How to dress for a job interview or a business meeting .

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Final conclusions

Take care of your image by reflecting in your style who you are, respect the consistency of your message and your goals and it will be easier to affirm your personal brand.

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How to have a personal style

Many people complain of not being able to have a personal style, but unless someone else chooses their clothes in the morning, anyone already has one. If you think so too, keep reading the steps below and start recognizing your favorite items to give your wardrobe a personal touch.

Start from your wardrobe

Surely you have already created your own style without realizing it. See which items you have in the closet.

1. Carefully evaluate your wardrobe. Look in the closet and drawers, look at the items you have purchased, maybe you will notice that there are recurring choices, even in an unconscious way.

·         Are most of your clothes informal?

·         Are there predominant colors?

·         Do you prefer long dresses and skirts?

·         Do you normally buy synthetic or natural fibers?

·         Do you have many more pants than skirts?

2. Remove your absolute favorite clothes from the closet and set them aside on the bed. Choose only the clothes you really love and you would never want to part with.

3. Look at the items you have chosen and ask yourself why you like them so much.

Why are they very comfortable?

Why do they make you feel sexy? Are you sure about yourself? Lively?

Think about how you feel every time you wear your favorite clothes. Are there any things in common?

4. Decide if you usually wear clothes to impress others, or to feel good about yourself. Do you give preference to fashion or comfort?

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5. Are your favorite clothes suitable for your daily activities?

Are there any garments that you keep buying because they attract you even if they don't suit your everyday life at all? If there are, these clothes are the expression of "your style".

If your attention often settles on pink summer dresses, but for work reasons you have to wear formal suits, try to bring hints of your style also in your daily life, for example add a showy scarf or earrings, while remaining in the limits of the rules imposed by your company. You will not be able to go to work with your pink minidress but at least you will be able to insert details to express your personality.

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